I just read Porcupette Finds a Family by Vanita Oelschlager. What intrigued me about the book was the mama bear fostering a porcupine. Although it says it's aimed at adoption I think it's perfect for foster families with biological children. I'm sure it would be just as wonderful for the foster children too.
In the book the little porcupine's mother leaves to find food, but doesn't return. After searching for his mom and not finding her he stumbles upon a cave with a mama bear and her cubs. He's hungry so he snuggles up next to the cubs and drinks Mama Bear's milk. Mama excepts him and treats him as her own. Sure he's smaller and looks different, but that doesn't matter. While playing with his brother and sister bear he startled and shot them with his quills. Mama Bear wasn't mad; she just pulled the quills out. This happens a few times, but Mama still loves him. He went back to his home and Mama found him and brought him back. He learns that they will never leave him like his mommy did. It doesn't matter how different they are they still want him to be apart of their family.
I will most definitely be reading this to my daughter before we get foster children in our home. I'll also recommending this to a caseworker I know who collects foster/adopt books.
Reviewed for NetGalley.
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