Monday, March 4, 2013

Princess Addison Gets Angry

Princess Addison Gets Angry by Molly Martin show's young girls how to deal with their anger.  It's a surprisingly short book, but it gives great advise on how to deal with your anger.  My daughter would love the bright graphics and the book is simple enough she could read it all herself.

I reviewed this book thanks to Net Galley.

The Silly Looking Thing

The Silly Looking Thing by Eva M. Sakmar-Sullivan is a great book for young readers and pre-readers.  The lesson it teachers on accepting people no matter their differences is excellent.  It also gives a quick lesson on how frogs go from an egg in the water to a leaping land creature.  The graphics are great, the font is big enough with just the right amount of words per page that my young reader won't get discouraged before she tries to read it.

I read this book to review it for Net Galley.

Change The World Before Bedtime

Change the World Before Bedtime by Mark Kimball Moulton, Josh Chalmers, and Karen Good is a cute book.  It's right up my six year olds alley of being a simple book that she would read (most of it).  I was disappointed in the size and style of font used.  It didn't mesh with the illustration.  However, the message was good.  After reading this my daughter would be ready to load up toys to give away, plant our own veggies, and to help people out who are in need.  The book also shows how even one person can make a difference.  Nice job.

The Chance

I recently read The Chance by Karen Kingsbury and must say, she hit the ball out of the park.  She has a knack for drawing you into her stories and this one doesn't disappoint.  The story is about a military family of three.  Dad is only home on the weekends, mom is lonely and Ellie spends most of her time with her best friend Nolan.  One night dad kicks mom out after learning she's pregnant with another man's child.  He then moves him and Ellie across the country.  The night  before leaving Ellie and Nolan write each other a letter and bury it in their favorite spot at a park with the plan to dig it up in 11 years.  Now fast-forward 11 years.  Life has been hard for both of them.  One has achieved their dreams while the other is far from it.

A few things we learn:

- The Bible is a tool, not a weapon.  I've seen It happen to many times, someone throws out scripture to get their way, justify their actions, or to condemn someone.  Unfortunately they completely miss their own sin.

- Two wrongs don't make a right.  We can't justify our bad choices because of the bad one someone else made.

- Love looks beyond your circumstances and bad choices.

It's a wonderful book that I'm so happy I had the chance to review.  It's definitely worth missing sleep to finish reading.