Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Lady in the Making

What a book!  Millie or Mildred Evans spends the majority of the book proving herself a trustworthy person to David Stone.  She doesn't try to convince him she won't steal or trick him; she shows him by how she lives.  After being held up for a couple months on their journey Millie started attending a church.  She told her pastor and his wife all about her past.  When David has a chance to start meeting with them he's able to confirm Millie really has changed.

One thing I'm reminded of from this book is the value of trust.  Trust is the most expensive thing we can give or receive.  Being trustworthy can take us far, but one wrong move and it's all gone.  It can take years to earn back and may not be fully restored.

We learn early on that David is traveling home to England to claim his inheritance.  His cousin's wife is very upset that her husband who is second in line for the title is losing out to someone who has lived out of the country for 20 years.  She sets out to have him killed... again.

I've stayed up late reading until I fall asleep at least twice because the story was so good.  I suggest you read the book.  By the way, I had no idea this was book three in the series and I didn't feel lost one bit.

I was able to read this book thanks to NetGalley.

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