Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Protect This House I WILL

Is anyone out there reading and getting fit? I was up in the rafters at the gym again today. While getting ready I put on this top...
I like it because it reminds me if I want to be healthy it's all up to me.  If I do nothing, I'm not protecting my body.  So when I'm fighting the urge to go to the gym... Protect This House I WILL.  I know, my self portrait doesn't do the shirt justice, but I'm okay with that.  So throw on whatever inspires you and head to the gym or your home equipment, but don't forget your book, Kindle or eReader of your choice.

The Kindle screen has been blurred because the book hasn't been released
While up in the rafters sweating to death from both exercise and the want of a fan, I was reading a Tricia Goyer book on my Kindle.  If you've never read one of her books I HIGHLY suggest it.  It's never just a story.  Tricia does a wonderful job showing God in all the different circumstances.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tricia Goyer

Have you heard of the author Tricia Goyer?  I didn't know she existed until LifeWay sent me a calender last year that was all Amish with a coupon at the end for Tricia's new and first Amish book, Beside Still Waters.  I put off buying it for a while.  I'm always afraid to buy a book then find it's lousy.  Well, I'm pleased to say I LOVED the book.  I loved it so much I found myself watching the calender for the next two books in her Big Sky Amish Series to come out.  When I find myself in a lull I want to read some of her other books.  I'm sure their good too.

Here's what I loved about her books...  There are certain Amish authors who quickly do a "boy meets girl" and you know from the first chapter they will eventually get married.  Ugh!  Give me some mystery.  Keep me guessing.  Well, Tricia Goyer does that.  Her writing reminds me a lot of Beverly Lewis who is my FAVORITE Amish author.  I seriously read a lot of Amish books; perhaps to much????  I believe Tricia is my second favorite Amish author.  She only gets second place because I've read Beverly's books longer and she has more of them out.  Something else I loved was how I could forget the main character was Amish.  She just lived life.

I'm currently reading The Memory Jar by Tricia Goyer and published by Zondervan Publishing which is due to be released on October 23rd. My thoughts so far?  Love it!

I'm reviewing this book for Net Galley.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Coming Home

Coming Home is a great ending to a wonderful, fictitious family.  The Baxter family once again reminds us what true love really is.  When everything hits the fan they don't start pointing fingers.  They give God all the credit for who they are and what they have.  Then they show love to everyone around them.  Yesterday my five year old was almost hit by a truck carelessly backing into a parking place.  If it wasn't for me screaming , "STOP!" while running around my car and almost slapping the truck, my daughter may be dead today.  Just as the truck stopped she jumped back into the car.  I have asked myself, could I have handled her death with the same grace the Baxter's handle everything life throws at them?  Could I have forgiven the careless truck driver for killing my only child?  I'm not sure, but thankfully I don't have to worry about that.

What I really liked about Coming Home is that it's not about every character we were introduced to over the past 22 books.  It had all my favorite characters, the Baxters'.

And what can we take away from this book?  Love is a decision.  As well as forgiveness is a decision.  Also, let your family know how you feel about being an organ donor.  It will make their choice so much easier if they know you are for or against it.

Now go read the book.  You will be glad you did.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Still Reading Coming Home

I'm almost done with Karen Kinsbury's new book Coming Home.  So far I'll say "WOW".  Although I knew something life changing was going to happen before I even started reading it, I didn't expect the book to go this way.  If all you've read is the Redemption Series then the references to Andi, Bailey Flanigan's college roommate, will not mean anything to you.  If you're like me and haven't read the Bailey Flanigan Series then this book will be a spoiler in who she marries.  Given that I haven't finished the Above The Line Series there were a couple spoilers for me, but I won't say them here. =)

If this is your first book on the Baxter's, the first third of the book is a recap of all their lives.  Given that it's been years since I read the Redemption series I was thankful for the recap.  I kept expecting them to go deeper, but figured if you want to know the full story on why Luke only has one biological son, the loss of Ashley's daughter, the significance of Landon's hair comment, or why Cole knowing anything about his biological father worries Ashley, you have to read the Redemption Series.

Because of what appears to be a repeat of tonsillitis for myself and first round for my five year old, I didn't read this at the gym. =(

Alright, I'm off to see how this ends.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Exercise, Read, Enjoy

Hanging with Karen (Kingsbury) at the gym
I would like to call this sit and be fit, but of course that name is already taken.  I’m going to combine two hobbies which mothers can really struggle with: exercise and reading.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard moms say they don’t have time to excise hence the stretch pants over their stretch marks.  We spend so much time taking care of our kids that we completely miss the mark on taking care of ourselves.  I know in the south this can be easier said then done with our crazy heat, but what about going for a walk, push your little ones in a stroller or pull them in a wagon?  It will give them time outside the house and you a good walk in.  If your kids are older you could let them ride their bikes while you walk.  Is it to hot out?  No problem, just go for some laps around the mall or a department store.  If you’re lucky enough to have exercise equipment AWESOME!  Now go dust it off, put your kids to bed at a good time, and grab a good book so you can kill two birds with one stone.  Yep, I’m asking you to read while you work out.  Are you up for the challenge?  I need the exercise and I love reading so why not combine the two?
I signed up with Net Galley to review books.  Although I read a lot I've actually never reviewed a book before.  Last spring when Tricia Goyer's final addition to the Big Sky Amish Series came out I quickly bought it.  I was shocked to see someone had already reviewed the book and gave it a terrible rating.  Given the first two books are really good I was surprised at the review.  And then I noticed they got the copy from Net Galley and never read the first two additions.  First off I didn't think their opinion was fair and secondly I wanted to know more about Net Galley.  I registered at the end of March, but just signed up and was given my first book to review.  It seems appropriate while working out at the gym and reading Karen Kingsbury's book Take Two (yes, I'm behind) that Zondervan would send me my first book to review...  the final book in the multiple series about the Baxter family and their friends, Coming Home by Karen Kingsbury.  If you want to read some great books that will show you love from different angles, read Karen Kingsbury's Redemption Series.

Alright, are you ready to read a good book and to get your sweat on? 

One small tip, keep a hand towel or washcloth handy when reading and exercising; sweaty books really are gross. =)