Treasure Town by Doug Wilhelm is a playful tale of three children and two accident prone stowaways who are searching for pirate treasure in a small Florida town. Some of the characters have fun names like Speedup and Bug Luck. I appreciate the playful names because they hold my daughter's interest and she can pronounce them.
For me the two men stole the show. No matter what they did or where they went, a mishap was sure to follow. And of course they couldn't do something little with small repercussions. No, they must start a little something and before you know it the whole town is living with the immediate fallout. Can you say T-R-O-U-B-L-E?
I read the book first and then had my eight year old read it to me. She quickly go into the story and read for almost 40 minutes before I realized it was past bedtime. She enjoyed it so much she begged to keep reading. She loved both the riveting story and the illustrations. We both give the book two thumbs up!
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