Friday, February 6, 2015

Murder Tightly Knit

Murder Tightly Knit is an intriguing suspense novel. First off Vannetta Chapman  leaves behind the sneaky murder in book one by outright murdering her victim in book two. Suddenly we have English and Amish people all trying to figure out who's the killer. As a side note, I love that Vannetta blends the two worlds; it's not Amish in one corner and English in the other. Both worlds may worship separately, but they work together as friends. When the blended group of friends decide to look into the murder they find themselves in danger, building new friendships, and breaking sterio types. Overall, the book is a wonderful read that at times will leaving you guessing. If you're like me there will also be times you want to pop some of the characters in the back of the head. Why do they all feel they must touch and move evidence? To the Murder Tightly Knit characters, don't touch anything just call the police!

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