After reading the Discovery series I had high hopes for this first book in The Amish Millionaire series. Did it meet my expectations? Yes and no. It gave some good bones to build on for the next five books, it has a great ending (no peaking, you must start on page one), and it did a good job of setting up the story. I know most of the distaste for the novel is simply because it's the introduction. We meet all the main characters and start to learn the difficulties of their relationships and suddenly we're on pause until the next book.
Even though this is an entry book where everything is building and not even close to being settled, Wanda does give us some good lessons. We can learn a good lesson on parenting from Eustace. He shows wisdom in how he handled a difficult situation with Joel. Without giving away the story, we can learn about the importance of honesty and being slow to make assumptions.
Overall, I enjoyed the book because I know it's setting the foundation for something greater.
*This book was given to me by NetGalley for an honest review.
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